The One-Year Revival Window from AUGUST 14, 2019 – August 13, 2020
For practical purposes, any person who was 23-years-old or older on February 14, 2019 must file a sex abuse related action against the appropriate defendants within the revival window (August 14, 2019 through August 14, 2020) or be forever time-barred from asserting a viable claim[s]. Any person who had not yet turned 23 as of February 14, 2019, has until his or her 55th birthday to file a sex abuse related civil action.
If you have been a victim of sex abuse when you were a child, reach out to Weinstein & Weinstein, LLP today at 646-450-3484.
#childvictimsact #sexabuse #civilaction #advocateforvictims
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